What you can expect from us
- We have solid training, over 25 years of joint experience in treatments. Daniel is equitherapist which means that he passed on HTU/Ishu Stromsholm Helmut Tscharnke. Mia is trained in basic veterinary medicine and animal acupuncture on Arcanum where Daniel has been a teacher. We are both trained by TCM The Technology coorperation Center, China Academy and Chinese medical science in herbal medicine and acupuncture. Mia has been trained in dorntherpy 2/2 steps, Daniel 1/2 steps. Mia has ongoing training in advanced manual therapy at orthopedic medical institute, Daniel ongoing Tier Heilpraktiker in Germany. We have ongoing courses and further education. Ask if you want to know more!
- We have developed our way of working and work the same way. We try to take turns to go to one patient because we believe that everything wins if it is viewed from different perspectives
- We promise to do everything we can for you and your animals.
- We have large network and can help you to good contacts in many areas, whether it be training, medical help or other
- On page named Policy for more information.
What you need to think of before treatment of your horse
- ou may not ride the same day, not before and not one day after. The body must be given the chance to take the treatment.
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- We do not work with a horse with fever or acute infection. We did not visit a stable at risk for infection.
- We need to know roughly what we look for. It will be wrong if you want us to only treat a movement problem and we are looking for fungus in the ears, or vice versa. Please ask us if you want to know more about what we are dealing with.
- We need to work with a dry and clean horse.
- It should be flat flor where we work and we need to be able to work undisturbed.
- If there more than one horse in your stable, one therapist want to work with two patients at the same time if there is space.
- Report if problem occurs after. The first few weeks can be a bit worse but if it does not turn or become acute you need to contact us and a veterinary.
- We are complementary. You must not choose us or veterinarians. We adjust the treatment.
- Ask anything you want to know the place and write it down. We are happy to answer questions about treatment even afterwards.
- We are working full time with this, but we also have family and give them priority in the evenings.