Equiterapi.com and MD Kleen become Alternative Health Works

For many horse owners in Sweden have Equiterapi.com become a concept. It is not surprising since the company was founded in 1998 and has been active in the area since then. To begin with, the business consisted solely of horse treatment with acupuncture, laser and chiropractic. Since then it has been developed by örtverksamheten to come and that we extended with dog and human treatments.

The business concept is to offer you full complement of medicine. This means that we are here for the treatment of horses, dogs, people, supply of herbs, etc., and not least for consultation and advice. That some of our current customers have been loyal since its inception in the late nineties show that the idea works.

We who run the company are Daniel and Mia Kleen.
Mia is a trained djurakupunktör (animal acupuncturist), humanakupunktör (human acupuncturist), örtterapeut (herbalist), chiropractor and dornterapeut.

Daniel trained equiterapeut, acupuncturist and örtterapeut (herbalist) and dornterapeut. It is thus on that basis the entire business rests. The form of therapy that is closest to our hearts and which we consider to be the most powerful Chinese medicine i.e. acupuncture and herbs are often combined with chiropractic.

The herbal shop emerged after requests from the customers and contains much of what is needed to keep the horse healthy. In addition to the herbs that are available where we mix individual herbal formulas specifically for you and your wishes.

To get an individual mix is a great tool on this page. Using our online forum, we can mix the herbs that are tailored to the individual situation.

We have a reception in Mölndal where you are welcome alone or with your dog. For your horse, we visit to you.

If there is anything you want to know about us, our therapies and complementary therapies in general – do not hesitate to contact us!